Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Am Sent!

I had a really awesome moment the other night. God definitely answered a prayer that I prayed last year. I have some friends who, in the past year or so have had pretty ridiculous encounters with God. I mean, if I weren't friends with these people, I'd straight up think they were lying. But because they are people that I trust, I ended up being a little jealous of what they got to experience, so I started to pray for it. Specifically, I prayed for an Isaiah moment where God showed me His holiness and I would be completely ruined by it. And I was frustrated because I thought that because I had a good heart behind that prayer, God should answer it. But I've yet to read a promise in the Bible that reads, "If you really mean it, you'll get what you pray for it." I can be sincere, and still be sincerely wrong.

But I was having my quiet time the other night and God brought Isaiah 6 to mind, so I grabbed my Bible and went to read it. I read the first seven verses and remembered how much I had prayed for that, and then I went on to read verse eight and God just grabbed me.

You see, at the end of the day, if God had given me the moment I had prayed for, I know myself well enough to know that I could have gotten really self-righteous about that and started to feel holier than those around me. And even if not, I might have gotten a lot out of it, but it wouldn't have really built His Church, which is the whole point of spiritual things.

And the Lord did, in fact, give me an Isaiah moment, just not the one I was hoping for.

"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"
"Here am I! Send me!"

That's my mission. I'm not going on a trip. I'm being sent!

So no longer am I praying for God bring me to those who need to hear about Him on my travels. I'm being sent by my Master. I will seek them out.

I'm not going to pray that God will bring me Christian brothers or sisters to encourage me on my journey. I'm going to seek out my brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage them.

Being sent changes my entire mindset from a self seeking trip to a selfless mission. The world is not about me. It's my job to serve no matter where I am. So God has imprinted Isaiah 6:8 on my heart. I'm still going to pray for a moment with God where His holiness ruins me, but not as the expense of my assignment.

I'm not longer going on a trip. I'm sent on a mission.

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