Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stupid Christians

In my head right now I have a huge rant going on about this:

I'll give you a second to take in the ignorance.


Done? I didn't think so, I'll give you some more time.


After reading the full story here, I was decidedly even more angry. The "pastor" actually says, "It's just something to try to stir people's minds. It was never intended to hurt feelings or offend anybody." How does a "pastor" like this get people to follow him? Does he really think God is so small that the idea of a non-christian in the White House terrifies Him? Does this idiot think that God doesn't work through non-christian leaders? It's not as if we've had such wonderful examples of Christian presidents anyway.

Part of me hopes this guys thirty person church dies so that they can't hurt anybody else or ruin the already bad reputation Christianity already has with non-christians. But Jesus died for every person in that church that voted to keep the sign up. They are made in His image and are to be loved. But I do hope God smacks them around and shows them their wrongs. I'm going to be praying for this church, as much as my first instinct is not to. Hopefully God will turn them around.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where I'm coming from...

Lately I've been doing a lot of working out my salvation and I've been thinking a little bit about how I first met Jesus.  I grew up in a great Christian family and in church, so I don't have any crazy drunken, crack dealing stories to tell.  But that doesn't make my salvation experience uninteresting.  Anytime God reaches down from Heaven to save a soul, its a huge deal.  So, on that note, I thought it might be kind of cool to share with whoever reads this how I met Jesus.  this could be a long one, so hang in there and I'll try to make it readable.

I said the sinner's prayer for the first time when I was five years old.  I knew absolutely nothing about Jesus and His grace, I'd just heard the man on stage talking about hell and heaven and I knew I didn't want to go to hell.  So I was told if I prayed this prayer, I'd get Jesus and not go to hell.  Why wouldn't I say this prayer?  I'd burned my hand on the stove before and I knew how much that hurt and couldn't imagine that happening all over!  Basically, Jesus was my oven mitt (this feels like it has t-shirt potential).

So when I was twelve and Jesus really did get a hold of me and I felt his irresistible grace tearing at my heart, I really didn't know what was going on.  I was "saved" already.  I'd even been baptized.  I just didn't know Jesus.  But I didn't want people to think I'd been lying  to them for years about being a Christian.  So I didn't know what to do.

Thankfully, irresistible grace is just that:  irresistible.  So I had very little choice but to grab my preacher after the service and tell Him I needed Jesus.  I remember Him putting his arm around me and moving me down the isle.  I very fondly recall, as we slid by people to a back Sunday school room, him saying in his most country preacher voice, "We've got to get this boy saved!"

He also grabbing my mom and sitting her and a twenty something guy in my church, who was my absolute hero, named Eric down with me in those way too small plastic yellow chairs in the children's Sunday school room.  My mom cried the entire time.  I repeated after the preacher and I just knew that it was right this time.  I had Jesus and I was never going to be the same again.

I was pumped up about Jesus and ready to tell the world, so I went home put on my favorite Christian bracelet and went to school the next day expecting tons of people to ask me what all the different colored beads meant.  That didn't happen, sadly, but I persevered nonetheless.  That is until my pastor started asking me about being baptized.

I had been baptized already and doing so again would make it very clearly known that I'd been lying about knowing Jesus.  I felt as if the whole church would have looked at me with the same disdain as that shop clerk looked at Kevin with when he stole that toothbrush.

So I did what I now absolutely hate to hear people say.  I told my preacher that "I really think that that was more of a rededication of my life."  It makes me sad that I'd already been trained to think that I could take my life back from Jesus after giving it to Him in the first place.

A lot of things happened between that time and now, but they equal way too many funny stories to even hint at in this already too long post.  But I do believe in baptism after conversion, and so does God.  So He finally grabbed me by the shirt and told me this is something I needed to do.  Of course, by this time I was 21 and becoming a member at NewSpring Church.  Better nine years late than never.  

It was an absolutely amazing experience finally following through on what God wanted me to do.  I was Baptized with around 400 other people but never felt like I was lost in the crowd, that was just more people for me to make my faith public in front of.  But, I am happy I was at the front of the line.  I can't imagine that water was too clean by around person 340.  

So many people came out to support me that night, even some of my former youth came which was amazing.  And I still remember Jake Beaty commenting to me about how loud my cheering section was, thanks to the energetic Ignite volunteers on the sidelines.

This is basically a snap shot of how I came to Christ.  There's so much more to tell and that's encouraging.  But one thing God's been hitting me with lately is how important it is to remember what He's done for me and where I've come from.  And just seeing how immature I was compared to how...well, I'm realizing I'm still pretty immature, but I'm getting better!  I promise!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Smacked around on a Saturday Morning

It's never been my intention to have an all serious blog, but it seems that lately I've had a lot of serious stuff to talk about on here whenever I actually take the time to write some stuff.  So I promise that the three of you reading this (two if Brandon has actually started to have things to do at work) that I will throw in some fun stuff eventually.  But for now, here's some amazing stuff that God's been teaching me.

I've been reading through John recently.  I really want to get serious about being like Jesus so I figure there's no better way to do that than to learn what He is actually like.  And John is such an awesome Gospel.  Primarily because He's just off doing his own thing.  The majority of the stuff in there isn't even in the other three Gospels.

Anyway, I was reading chapter four this morning and God does what He does best with me, which is being very blunt about how dumb some of the things I do are and how most of the things that I tend to judge others on are things that I do as well.

So I get to 4:22 this morning and the first thing that pops into my head is, "This is just like those stupid Revelation enthusiasts who have charts outlining which plague hits where in which part of what used to be America before the EU decided to wipe us off the map."  Then God lovingly slapped me on the back of my head and showed me that way too often I'm only interested in praying about my own future and which direction to go in.

So the question is there now; do I follow God because I want to have a loving relationship with my creator, or because I know that He can give me a future with some purpose like I want?

I've got to get over my own selfishness.  I'm glad God loves me enough to smack me around on occasion.