Saturday, April 5, 2008

Smacked around on a Saturday Morning

It's never been my intention to have an all serious blog, but it seems that lately I've had a lot of serious stuff to talk about on here whenever I actually take the time to write some stuff.  So I promise that the three of you reading this (two if Brandon has actually started to have things to do at work) that I will throw in some fun stuff eventually.  But for now, here's some amazing stuff that God's been teaching me.

I've been reading through John recently.  I really want to get serious about being like Jesus so I figure there's no better way to do that than to learn what He is actually like.  And John is such an awesome Gospel.  Primarily because He's just off doing his own thing.  The majority of the stuff in there isn't even in the other three Gospels.

Anyway, I was reading chapter four this morning and God does what He does best with me, which is being very blunt about how dumb some of the things I do are and how most of the things that I tend to judge others on are things that I do as well.

So I get to 4:22 this morning and the first thing that pops into my head is, "This is just like those stupid Revelation enthusiasts who have charts outlining which plague hits where in which part of what used to be America before the EU decided to wipe us off the map."  Then God lovingly slapped me on the back of my head and showed me that way too often I'm only interested in praying about my own future and which direction to go in.

So the question is there now; do I follow God because I want to have a loving relationship with my creator, or because I know that He can give me a future with some purpose like I want?

I've got to get over my own selfishness.  I'm glad God loves me enough to smack me around on occasion.

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