Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I need a little help

This is just a short prayer request if any of you could oblige me. It was made painfully clear today that I'm currently doing anything but what God's put me on this earth to do at my current job and I really want a new one. The problem is that I have no idea which way to go and what to pursue.

The main thing I could use prayer for is wisdom, patience and peace. I could really use wisdom to know what to and not to pursue. Patience to not just up and quit my job which would be immature and unwise since it would be unfair to ditch my current coworkers without a decent notice and I would still have bills due until I get a new job. And I need peace in the meantime to help me not to accidentally lose my temper with some poor customer since I seem to suck with the whole anger issue.

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