Thursday, October 2, 2008

Christmas Preparations

I'm ridiculously excited about Christmas this year for some reason.  I was talking to a lady at church tonight about how the cold weather got me excited about Christmas time.  And she told me she was never really into Christmas too much.  But then again, this will be her first year as a believer.  She said, "I'll actually be able to celebrate Christmas for the first time."

Way too often I forget that there's a world out there that doesn't know Christ.  I take for granted that I get to celebrate Christmas, not just go through Christmas rituals.  It's so incredibly humbling to know that.  And there's a world of people around me who could be just like this lady who got an invite to church and God used an awesome guy in an elf suit to get her attention and set her up to receive Christ last Christmas eve.

I hope that God puts me in the right place over the next couple of months so that people in my life who don't know Christ can celebrate Christmas this year for the first time.

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