Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

I'm fairly certain that if you had told me this time last year that it would be mine and my brother's last Father's Day with my dad, I wouldn't have believed you. It's amazing how much can change in such a short amount of time. I've known this day was coming since I realized last week what day today is, but I still wasn't sure how I'd react to it, or if I'd even react at all.

It's all still so unreal. It will be four months this Saturday since my dad passed away. In some way it's hard to believe it's been that long and in others it seems like it's been unbearably longer. There are some days I think about it more than others, but I always miss him. And I'm thankful for the hope I have that I'll see him again.

My dad was such an awesome guy. The Lord could not have blessed me with a dad who loved me more than mine did. There's nothing he wouldn't have done for me and no sacrifice he wouldn't have made to make my life better. He dug his way out of poverty to provide opportunities for me and my brother that we wouldn't have had otherwise and we're the men we are today because of his example.

In his last few months, he would always go out of his way to come have lunch with me. He didn't feel like doing it. He would have been better off staying at home and resting. He could barely eat anything anyway, but still, he would come meet me at work almost every Wednesday and we'd walk over to Little Pigs and eat lunch together.

And he was such a godly man. He wasn't always this way, and honestly, one of the coolest things I've been able to see is how God changed my dad's heart and made him into the exemplary Christ-follower that he was. I pray to receive the same heart for evangelism that my dad had. He didn't have a plan for going door to door with a tract, ready to repeat the words he was supposed to say. He just knew what the Lord had done in his life and you couldn't stop him from telling everyone around him; whether they liked it or not. He was well aware of how much he needed the Lord.

Thank you Lord for blessing me with the father You gave me. And thank you for being my Father now when I need one so much. Especially today. You truly do know how to bless Your children beyond what we deserve.

Today, don't just go through the motions of Father's Day. Don't just tell your dad that you love him, tell him why. Don't hold any bitterness in your hearts towards him for things he's done in the past, but show him Christ's love (you aren't or won't be a perfect parent either). And call him tomorrow too and tell him you love him again just so he knows you meant it. You're not guaranteed to have your dad tomorrow, let alone next Father's Day. Make this one count.

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