Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pray For Me My Peeps!

I'm a huge fan of specific prayer, so I thought I might give you guys some specific things I'd love for you to be praying for me while I'm gone.

-Divine appointments: I want to meet the right people on this trip. God knew I'd be doing this before the earth was made, which is a pretty awesome thought. He already knows who I'm going to meet while I'm there and I don't think any of them will be by accident. I want to meet people who need Christ, Christians who need encouragement, and everyone else in between.

-Boldness: It's one thing to have those appointments, it's another to actually seize them. So pray that I have the boldness to seek people out and talk to them. Also that I'm sensitive to hearing God's voice and the things He wants me to say.

-A tender heart: I want to be better at loving people and I think this will be an amazing opportunity to learn more about what that means. Also, I want a tender heart to better be able to hear from my Father.

-Protection: Traveling alone isn't the safest thing in the world, but at the end of the day, if I keep to myself and play it smart, I'll be fine. Fine, but not very Christlike. So pray for protection, but also pray that I live my faith out in such was that I actually need it.

I'll be updating this blog whenever I can and you can also follow me on twitter at and you can send e-mail to me as well at

I'd love to have some encouragement sent my way as well as just hearing about what's going on with you guys. Send me some stuff I can be praying for you all about. My prayer life goes so much better when I have specifics to pray about and not just, "God, bless that person."

I love you guys and I'll miss you all. I can't wait to share all of my pictures and stories!

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